Posted by: Andra Liwag | December 18, 2011

Avoiding Cookies, Stats & Meet Trainer No. 3, Anthony

One of our trio of trainers, Anthony!

With three days until Hanukkah begins, a week before Christmas and Kwanzaa, and two weeks till New Year’s, the holidays are right on top of us! That means fun times with family and friends, but it also presents dietary challenges and stress.

One way I’m limiting my stress is by just saying “no” to baking cookies this year. As I’ve mentioned before, cookies are a major trouble food for me. So, I’m buying a batch for tomorrow’s office party instead of baking, and I’m attaching mini KIND bars instead of treats to the cards I’m handing out this year. So far, the strategy is working and I’m not missing out while I stay on track.

And I need to stay on track. I found out during our teaser-workout weigh-in that I’ve got 116 pounds to go before I hit my goal weight of 160, which is about the midpoint of the recommended 139 to 174 pound range for a 5’10” woman like me, according to this Weight Watchers calculator.

Also, my BMI, or Body Mass Index, is currently 39.6 according to this CDC calculator, which is well above the healthy range of 18.5 to 24.9.

I’ve definitely got work ahead of me, and thinking about those numbers for too long really brings me down. When I do, losing this weight seems insurmountable – especially since my weight loss track record has been terrible since I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, five years ago.

So instead, I chose to look at this journey in small increments. I just have to lose one, singular pound. Once I’ve done that, then I can focus on the next singular pound, and so forth. I know those pounds will eventually add up, but for now my job is just to look at each one at a time and not worry about the rest. My motto for this journey is “Dreams come true one choice at a time” and eventually all these small choices will have a big payoff!

I’ll update my stats once we weigh in “officially” on Jan. 5 and end our first challenge, but in the meantime I also want to introduce another of the trainers who will be helping me and 14 others change our lives for the better:

Anthony Palmieri

  • Certifications: AFAA Personal Training
  • Fitness Style: Your body can do so much more when your mind is telling you to stop. I like to have a relaxed environment during my training sessions.
  • Specialty: All fitness and experience levels.
  • Personality: Driven, straight to the point, and I enjoy challenging myself.
  • Exercise you found results doing: I focus on high intensity activities. Preferably full body exercises because they engage a wide range of muscles.
  • Exercise you have to push yourself to do: Cardio, so I incorporate exercises that will keep my heart rate at the optimal level while I train.

I know with the help we’ll get from Anthony, Chris, Lourdes, Meredith and all the other coaches on the NSU 2012 Biggest Loser team, all of us will be able to kiss those starting stats goodbye!

Next up… last minute fitness gift ideas for Biggest Losers and those striving to live the slim life! In the meantime, stay tuned and be well…

I started this blog so that you can follow along, get inspired, or just commiserate. Tune in next time for more details at Don’t forget to subscribe for email updates!

All of our trainers: Chris, Lourdes, and Anthony!


  1. I always keep Dorry (yes from Finding Nemo – I’m totally a grown-up!) in my head when I’m working out – “just keep swimming, just keep swimming” because I know if I can just keep going I’ll be okay – I just have to keep going. Kinda a perfect little motto for ya here too, swimming-sharks? OR!! just keep SLIMming? eh!? no? anyways.. keep up the great work!! 🙂

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